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Dounreay - Inspection ID: 52849

Executive summary

Date(s) of inspection:

  • September 2023

Aim of inspection

The aim of this intervention is to observe and assess the annual Level 1 Site Safety Demonstration Exercise against the requirements of LC11(5). Dounreay is required to demonstrate the adequacy of their emergency arrangements against the requirements of LC11 and the regulatory expectations provided within ONR’s guidance NS-INSP-GD-001.

Subject(s) of inspection

  • LC11 - Emergency arrangements - Rating: Green

Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made

The purpose of this planned inspection was to observe Dounreay's annual safety emergency exercise demonstration. In line with Dounreay's arrangements this was an enhanced facility exercise rather than a site wide exercise, which reflects the reducing hazard potential of the site as it is steadily being decommissioned whilst still providing a robust demonstration of Dounreay emergency arrangements. Overall I was satisfied that during the excerise Dounreay successfully evacuated the affected facilities, accounted for its staff, and recovered the situation in a timely manner. Had this been a real event I am satisfied that Dounreay would have dealt with it in an effective manner. On this basis I have awarded a Rating of Green - Adequate.


Overall I was satisfied that during the exercise Dounreay successfully evacuated the affected facilities, accounted for its staff, and recovered the situation in a timely manner. Had this been a real event I am satisfied that Dounreay would have dealt with it in an effective manner. On this basis I have awarded a Rating of Green - Adequate.