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Sellafield - Inspection ID: 52821

Executive summary

Date(s) of inspection:

  • September 2023

Aim of inspection

This inspection at Sellafield Ltd will be undertaken as part of the planned Integrated Intervention Strategy (IIS) for the Sellafield, Decommissioning, Fuel and Waste Division (SDFW) of the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR). The purpose of this intervention will be to inspect against compliance with the requirements of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (RRFSO). This intervention will focus on matters relating to life fire safety.

Subject(s) of inspection

  • Fire (Life Safety) Compliance Inspection - Rating: Green

Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made

The Calder Land Clearance project has been let by Sellafield Limited as an Outcome Based Contract to Integrated Decommissioning Services (IDS). IDS are the dutyholder for the CLC project site which is a part of the Sellafield Limited licensed site. Five buildings were handed over to IDS as part of this contract, three of these have since been demolished. The aim of the project is to clear space on site for future development such as the SIXEP Continuity Plant. Sellafield Limited retain oversight and undertake assurance of IDS activities. For Phase 1 Sellafield Limited retained the Principal Contractor role under CDM. For Phase 2 (the current phase) IDS are the Principal Contractor. I spoke with the Sellafield Fire Safety team ahead of the inspection. Sellafield Limited undertook its quarterly assurance review alongside my inspection. During this inspection I spoke to members of the IDS project team, including the construction manager and fire safety competent person. Overall I am content that IDS demonstrated an adequate understanding of the fire safety arrangements for the CLC site and building F4 in particular. Some shortfalls were identified, relating to control of combustibles and management of fire barriers. These are the subject of the L4 Regulatory Issue RI-11669. Considering these shortfalls within the context of the very low occupancy and adequate provision of detection and alarm and means of escape, I have rated this inspection as green.


Overall I am content that IDS demonstrated an adequate understanding of the fire safety arrangements for the CLC site and building F4 in particular. Some shortfalls were identified and these are the subject of the L4 issue raised below. Considering these shortfalls within the context of the very low occupancy and adequate provision of detection and alarm and means of escape, I have rated this inspection as green.