Executive summary
Date(s) of inspection
- October 2023
Aim of inspection
To demonstrate the adequacy of the emergency arrangements on the AWE Aldermaston Site against the requirements of LC11 and the regulatory expectations provided within ONR’s guidance NS-INSP-GD-001.
Subject(s) of inspection
- LC11 – Emergency arrangements – Rating: Green
Key findings, inspector’s opinions and reasons for judgement made
We observed the annual Level 1 Site Safety Demonstration Exercise on the AWE Aldermaston Site, focusing on command and control at the scene and within the Emergency Operations Control Centre, casualty management and recovery, and emergency dose management. Overall ONR considers that this was an adequate demonstration of AWE’s emergency arrangements against the requirements of LC11 and the relevant good practice provided within ONR’s guidance document NS-INSP-GD-011 on the Aldermaston site.
Based on our observations at each of the locations attended, we consider that this was an adequate demonstration of AWE’s emergency arrangements against the requirements of LC11 and the relevant good practice provided within ONR’s guidance document NS-INSP-GD-011 on the Aldermaston site. On this basis, we have awarded an inspection rating of green.