Executive summary
Date(s) of inspection
- October 2023
Aim of inspection
The inspection is required as a precursor to ONR’s consideration of Management of Change (MoC) arrangements being put in place in connection with the creation of Nuclear Waste Services (NWS) as a single legal entity, to ensure that arrangements under the Low Level Waste Repository (LLWR) Nuclear Site Licence are not adversely affected. Noting that NWS will take on the LLWR legal identity in April 2024, thus not requiring issuance of a new site Licence.
This inspection is to review progress in the planning, development, and potential implementation of the integrated management system for Nuclear Waste Services.
Subject(s) of inspection
- LC17 – Management systems – Rating: Not rated
Key findings, inspector’s opinions and reasons for judgement made
This pre assessment inspection was required as a precursor to ONR’s consideration of Management of Change (MoC) arrangements being put in place in connection with the creation of Nuclear Waste Services (NWS) as a single legal entity, to ensure that arrangements under the Low Level Waste Repository (LLWR) Nuclear Site Licence are not adversely affected.
Considering the current activities being undertaken and those already completed, along side the evidence presented during the inspection, I am of the opinion NWS demonstrated adequate management of change with no significant affect to the LLWR licensed site or installations. The current progress of the “NWS Transformation Programme” is inline with expectations and should be completed in April 2024 following an LRQA 5 day audit, a follow up inspection is planned to ensure the implementation of the plan does not adversely affect the licensed site or installations.
I judge that the current arrangements and activities being undertaken are adequate for effectively managing the changes to the organisation, however due to the current stage of the programme the inspection will be unrated as the changes are not yet affecting the licensed installations and are not subject to compliance with LC17 in the current state of implementation/deployment.