Executive summary
Date(s) of inspection
- November 2023
Aim of inspection
The Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) undertakes all regulatory interactions with the Sellafield site licensee (Sellafield Limited) against a strategy defined by the ONR Sellafield subdivision. In accordance with this strategy, a planned licence condition (LC) compliance inspection was carried out at the Waste Packaging and Encapsulation Plant (WPEP).
The purpose of this inspection was to gain assurance that Sellafield Limited is adequately implementing its arrangements for LC10 (training) at WPEP, to inform a regulatory judgement regarding the licensee’s compliance with its legal duties under the nuclear site licence.
Subject(s) of inspection
- LC10 – Training – Rating: Green
Key findings, inspector’s opinions and reasons for judgement made
This Licence Condition (LC) 10 (training) inspection was undertaken at the Waste Packaging and Encapsulation Plant (WPEP) facility on the Sellafield site. The inspection focused on seeking assurance that Sellafield Limited is compliant with its arrangements for LC10 at WPEP.
Overall, I found that Sellafield Limited demonstrated compliance with its LC10 arrangements. The training records sampled were found to be in date; Suitably qualified and experienced person (SQEP) periodic reviews were being conducted to ensure training profile descriptions (TPD) remain valid; and where training shortfalls were present, these were understood by facility management and were being appropriately managed to mitigate any safety risks. I also sampled how training has been managed through the plant modification proposal (PMP) relating to exports from WPEP to the Box Encapsulation Plant Product Store Direct Import Facility (BEPPS DIF), and was satisfied that training needs had been adequately considered and suitably addressed.
I identified no significant shortfalls requiring regulatory attention, but raised four regulatory observations regarding potential ALARP improvements.
On the basis of the evidence sampled, I judge that Sellafield Limited has adequately implemented its arrangements for compliance with LC10 (training) at the WPEP facility.
Upon consideration of the ONR guidance on inspection ratings, I judge that a rating of green (no formal action) is appropriate.
On the basis of evidence sampled and the interactions that I held with Sellafield Limited personnel during the inspection, I judge that Sellafield Limited has adequately implemented its arrangements for compliance with LC10 (Training) at the WPEP facility.
Upon consideration of the ONR guidance on inspection ratings, I judge that a rating of green (no formal action) is appropriate.