Executive summary
Date(s) of inspection: April 2024
Aim of inspection
The purpose of this readiness inspection is to assess Sellafield Limited's implementation of its Licence Condition 22 arrangements and safety case for the B4 Main Demolition project. This inspection is included in the permissioning strategy (PR-01101) in response to Sellafield Limited's request for ONR's agreement under it's Licence Condition 22 arrangements to demolish the Pile 1 East Blower House (B4).
This inspection will form part of ONR's decision on whether to agree to Sellafield Limited's request to commence the proposed activity.
The scope of this inspection has been developed taking into account the findings of the ONR specialist assessments, the findings of the NIO APPP process and areas considered appropriate to sample to assess Sellafield Limited's state of readiness.
Subject(s) of inspection
- LC22 - Modification or experiment on existing plant - Rating: Green
Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made
The inspection team undertook a readiness inspection under Licence Condition 22 in relation to the proposed activity to demolish the Pile 1 East Blower House (B4). The inspection took the form of a visit to the facility in question, followed by technical discussions and a review of documentation.
The inspection team considered that the Sellafield Limited Nuclear Independent Oversight (NIO) function had undertaken a comprehensive Assessment of People, Plant and Procedures (APPP) process and that, from discussions, Sellafield Limited provided assurance that all significant findings were on track to be closed out prior to the target date for commencing the proposed activity. A number of other positive findings were also made.
Some minor observations and requests for documentation were also made during the inspection by ONR. Overall, subject to the satisfactory closure of the remaining significant findings of the APPP process, and the observations made by ONR during the inspection, no findings were made that would prevent ONR agreeing to the proposed activity.
Having visited the facility in question and undertaken a technical session with Sellafield Limited, CNSL and JBV Limited staff, we made the following findings:
- The project have briefed the DAPs, machine operators and other staff on the nuclear safety issues of the proposed activity. The briefing material was considered to be comprehensive. After receiving the briefing, the DAPs have been test on their knowledge on a one-to-one basis which we considered to be an example of good practice.
- It was explained that painted metal strips would be secured to the floor and used to display the demolition machine operating boundaries as opposed to painting the lines on the building floor. This is a positive change as it should make the lines more easily visible and easier to maintain.
- Having reviewed the current version of the APPP document, we considered that the Sellafield Limited NIO had undertaken this function thoroughly and had generated a significant number of findings. Through discussion, we gained confidence that Sellafield Limited had a route to closure for all APPP findings. It was agreed that the completed APPP document, showing closure of all outstanding self-declared and Category A findings, would be provided to ONR as evidence of closure prior to issue of Licence Instrument.
- The extant version of the Working Procedure contents, sequencing and methodology was discussed with JBV Limited and CNSL. The working procedure was considered to meet ONR expectations for the process and arrangements for undertaking demolition works and showed good collaboration between contractor and supervisor. It was noted that the Working Procedure was not finalised and we would expect this document to be finalised in line with Sellafield Limited's normal governance arrangements prior to the start of demolition.
- The LOLER and PUWER findings identified within the APPP process were reviewed and discussed. We were content that the identified shortfalls were minor and would be tracked to completion through the APPP process. The proposed solutions to the identified issues were considered to be in line with regulatory requirements and we were content that Sellafield Limited had adequate arrangements in place to ensure the demolition machines were maintained in good working order.
Overall, we considered that Sellafield Limited was progressing towards an adequate state of readiness to commence the proposed activity and no findings were made, subject to satisfactory closure of the remaining outstanding self declared and category A APPP findings and the observations discussed below, that would prevent ONR agreeing to the proposed activity.