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PacTec EPS Ltd (Site) Transport - IR-52984

Executive summary

Date(s) of inspection

April 2024

Aim of Inspection

The purpose of this inspection is for ONR to gain assurance that PacTec is undertaking it's duties as a package designer and manufacturer in compliance with the requirements of CDG09 (ADR). The inspection will also inform ONR transport strategic understanding of the current and future use cases for PacTec packages, and there acceptable use requirements for dutyholders using PacTec packages.

Subject(s) of Inspection

  • Transport - Management Systems - Rating: Green
  • Transport - Package Design and Modification - Rating: Green
  • Transport - Package Maintenance and Operation - Rating: Green
  • Transport - Package Manufacture and Supply Chain - Rating: Green

Key Findings, Inspector's Opinions and Reasons for Judgement Made

The inspectors identified a number of examples of the dutyholders Class 7 arrangements meeting relevant good practice, including:

  • that the dutyholder is in compliance with the relevant requirements associated with package design and manufacture.
  • that compliance with Class 7 transport package design requirements are achieved through the application of relevant good practise (RGP).

The inspectors identified minor shortfalls relating to the management system and certificates of approval that require rectification. These will be tracked through the ONR regulatory issue management system."

The ONR inspection rating is green.


On the basis of the evidence sampled during the compliance inspection, PacTec EPS have demonstrated that they have documented arrangements to meet the requirements of The Carriage of Dangerous Goods and Use of Transportable Pressure Equipment Regulations 2009. Therefore, we judge an overall ONR inspection rating of green was appropriate for this inspection. The inspection findings were presented to PacTec EPS Limited at the close of the inspection.

We identified two shortfalls that require rectification. These will be tracked to completion via a Level 4 Regulatory Issue. PacTec EPS should:

Update their Certificates of Conformance (CoCs) to ensure the most recent regulations are referenced.

Develop their Class 7 management system to be compliant with ADR 1.7.3, ensuring that the production of PDSRs, >Operating Instructions (OIs) and CoCs are controlled through their own arrangements. We advised PacTec EPS to consider the applicable areas of IAEA guidance TS-G-1.4.

PacTec EPS is required to provide ONR with evidence that the identified shortfalls have been resolved by the 17 September 2024.