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Sellafield - Inspection ID: 52420

Executive summary

Date(s) of inspection: March 2024

Aim of inspection

To judge the adequacy of the implementation of the arrangements for compliance with with Licence Condition 27 and 28 within the Magnox Reprocessing Facility (MRF) on Sellafield Ltd’s nuclear licensed site.

Subject(s) of inspection

  • LC27 - Safety mechanisms, devices and circuits - Rating: Green
  • LC28 - Examination, inspection, maintenance and testing - Rating: Green

Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made

During the inspection, I targeted the current adherence with the required Plant Maintenance System (PMS) and the changes to the maintenance system as the plant transitions into Post Operational Clean Out (POCO). Overall, based on the evidence seen, I am content that MR are delivering their required maintenance and have processes in place to managing their changes to their PMS as the plant transitions into POCO.
I undertook a review of the Asset Management and System Health Reporting (SHR) systems. I identified two minor shortfalls in the SHR systems where a number of the SHRs had not been reviewed for over 3 years and number of SHRs had not been approved by the Engineering Manager. I have no concern that the plant based systems aren’t safe today, but the potential shortfall is in the future proofing of the plant and the long-term strategy for the condition of the facility assets needed into POCO and decommissioning.  I have raised a Level 4 ONR regulatory issue to address these minor shortfalls.  Overall, notwithstanding the minor shortfalls seen in the SHRs, I was satisfied that MR have sufficient resource in place to deliver the SHRs and have processes in place for monitoring the condition of the plant based systems.    
I undertook a review of the Management of Change processes being implemented for the changes in the MR personnel structure as it transitions to POCO. Overall, based on the evidence seen, I am content that the planned changes in the Engineering and Maintenance structures are following the Sellafield Ltd MOCRA arrangements, noting that the MOCRAs are still in draft format. 
From the areas sampled, in addition to the Level 4 regulatory issue, I provided some regulatory advice but did not identify any significant shortfalls in the implementation of the licensee’s arrangements which would necessitate a further inspection of those arrangements earlier than currently planned.


On the basis of the evidence sampled at the time of the inspection, notwithstanding the minor shortfall in asset management,  I judge that Sellafield Limited has adequately implemented its arrangements for LC27 and 28 in Magnox Remediation and an inspection rating of Green (no formal action required) is appropriate.