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Sellafield - Inspection ID: 52972

Executive summary

Date(s) of inspection: May 2024

Aim of inspection

To seek assurance that Sellafield Ltd.’s arrangements for compliance with the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER), the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER) and Licence Condition 28 (Examination, inspection, maintenance, and testing) are adequately implemented in Legacy Ponds (including First Generation Magnox Storage Pond (FGMSP) and Pile Fuel Storage Pond (PFSP)).

Subject(s) of inspection

  • LC28 - Examination, inspection, maintenance and testing - Rating: Green
  • Lifting / LOLER - Rating: Green
  • Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER) - Rating: Green

Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made

Legacy Ponds arrangements and compliance against LOLER, PUWER and LC28 were inspected as part of a planned two-day inspection on the 8 and 9 May 2024. The inspection team comprised the Site Inspector for Legacy Ponds and Mechanical Engineering, Internal Hazards and Conventional Health and Safety Specialist Inspectors. The inspection included discussions with Sellafield Ltd. personnel, review of records, documents and processes and a targeted walk down of the facility.
The findings were as follows:  
LC 28 – Examination, Inspection, Maintenance and Testing - Adequate examination, maintenance, inspection, and testing had been carried out based  on the documentation examined, discussions and the plant walkdown undertaken resulting in a green inspection rating for this licence condition. 
PUWER – Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations and LOLER – Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations - Sellafield Ltd has demonstrated suitable arrangements to manage health and safety relating to PUWER and LOLER resulting in green ratings.
In addition to this, we considered that the Licensee had adequately considered the nuclear safety risks associated with internal hazards specifically crane operations and associated dropped loads and impacts within Legacy Ponds.  
Overall, we gained assurance that Sellafield Ltd.'s arrangements for compliance are adequately implemented in Legacy Ponds.  


Overall, LOLER, PUWER and LC 28 were found to be adequately implemented in Legacy Ponds and were rated green - No formal action.
In addition, from an internal hazards perspective, ONR considers that the Licensee has provided evidence to indicate that nuclear safety risks associated with internal hazards, from lifting operations within Legacy Ponds facilities are adequately controlled.