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Torness - Inspection ID: 52922

Executive summary

Date(s) of inspection: February 2024

Aim of inspection

This was a planned inspection to determine Torness level of compliance with the legal duties required by the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER) for both conventional and nuclear lifting operations.

Subject(s) of inspection

  • LC27 - Safety mechanisms, devices and circuits - Rating: Green
  • LC28 - Examination, inspection, maintenance and testing - Rating: Green

Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made

This was a themed compliance inspection of the implementation of Lifting arrangements on the Torness site.

During our inspection we made a number of observations and raised one Level 4 regulatory Issue.

The following observations were made during our inspection activities, all related to the charge hall crane:

  • Work order card (WOC) 12962279 /05, maintenance instruction PIMI 97752/E02 - No pass/fail criteria on electrical or mechanical measurements made during its execution. In addition the calibration record section of the WOC hadn’t been completed although ‘calibrated’ tools had been used.
  • WOC 12962279 /19 PIMI 97752/MO73 - Section 3.2 – specifies that ‘bolts are tight’ with no indication of what tight means. In addition, Section 3.3 has no pass/fail criteria.
  • WOC 12962279 / 29 XT - Braking system dynamic testing. PIMI 97752/M111 – The travel and position of the brakes needs clarifying.
  • WOC 12259898 /01 6 - Yearly set hunting tooth limit switch, PIMI 97752/M056 – This PIMI is considered confusing. The title states “To test main hoist fully raised and lowered limit switches”, while Section 2 provides some introduction, Section 3 then specifies – “To check Over raised switch”. Furthermore, at 3.5 it continues, calculate main hoist fully raised. Section 4 has a title of “adjustment of over raised switches. Clarification is needed regarding what this PIMI is intended to do, what it has in fact been used for. Where and how are the fully raised switches adjusted if it is necessary and where is the over raised switch checked and adjusted?
  • During the plant walkdown on the gantry of the CHC, we noted that a modification had been undertaken to install two mechanical stops. However, there was holes for four retention bolts, but there was only one in place on one of them and two on the other. In addition, provision was provided for the application of locks, these were not utilised. Clarification is sought regarding why these bolts and locks appear to be missing and confirmation that the EC introducing these mechanical stops has been completed.
  • On the crane gantry we also identified that two grease pump pressure gauges were damaged with their protective lenses missing.
  • We noted that the gantry and crab contained a number of harness lock on rings to prevent falls during work activities, we asked if these were regularly inspected, our escort was not sure and took an action to find out.

One Level 4 Regulatory Issue was raised:

  • SOI 02/01/07 Area 9 - Areas of the SOI do not align with other processes/procedures such as BEG/SPEC/SHE/COP/030. Lifting plans are exclusively through EC procedure so I consider that LOLER compliance is not visible. The duty holder indicated that all lifts were classified as complex so were none compliant with there own operating instructions (SOI). The duty holder recognised these anomalies and agreed there was a need for review. We propose to raise this as a Level 4 in order to ensure this is achieved in a timely manner, the progress of which will be managed through normal regulatory activities.

We judged that the licensee had suitable lifting arrangements in place to adequately manage their activities. However, it was acknowledged that improvements to SOI 02/01/07 Area 9 and maintenance procedures were required.

Based on our sampling and the evidence provided by Torness, we were satisfied that the Lifting arrangements are adequately conceived and implemented. We therefore judge that an ONR inspection rating of Green is appropriate for this intervention.


Based on our sampling and the evidence provided by Torness, I am satisfied that the Lifting arrangements are adequately conceived and implemented. I judge that an ONR inspection rating of Green is appropriate for this intervention.