Executive summary
Date(s) of inspection: May 2024
Aim of inspection
To ensure that all safety related operations are carried out under the control and supervision of suitably qualified and experienced personnel. The “operations which may affect safety” to which condition 26 applies clearly includes those referred to in condition 23 for which safety cases are required to be produced but, importantly, is more widely drawn to include all “operations” as defined in LC1.
Subject(s) of inspection
- LC26 - Control and supervision of operations - Rating: Green
Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made
The purpose of this LC26 (Control and supervision of operations) compliance inspection was to ensure that all safety related operations are carried out under the control and supervision of suitably qualified and experienced personnel.
The inspection sample included discussions with management, supervisors and workers carrying out two tasks. One task was associated with the removal, overhaul and replacement of six half unit valves in "C" quadrant and the other task was the reinstallation of a closing plate on the reheater inlet penetration 1B3.
Discussions were held with the site manager, supervisor and HSE/QA engineer prior to visiting the work face. The scope of the tasks were explained including the agreed levels of supervision. The safe system of work documentation requirements were also discussed and sampled. Safety from the system was required for both tasks and I was informed that mechanical and electrical isolations had been applied to allow the tasks to commence. I was taken through the process for the two isolations applied and was content that process had been followed and the workers had been provided with safety from the system to allow tasks to be undertaken.
I visited the work faces in the radiation controlled area accompanied by the Trillium HSE/QA engineer. I held discussions with engineers at the work locations and talked through the setting to work brief, risk assessments, lift plans and working instructions for the tasks being undertaken. I found the engineers to be very knowledgeable of the tasks being carried out, all documentation was appropriate for the tasks and instructions were marked up to the relevant steps. Engineers could clearly describe the level of supervision for the tasks and who their supervisors/nominated representatives were for the duration of the work being undertaken.
General work areas were of a good standard from a house keeping perspective. Some minor observations were made regarding laydown area standards, task lighting and the standards for locking padlocks during outages which station will follow up on.
Overall the inspection was positive with no significant issues identified. A green rating was applied and there was no issues identified that would prevent consent for restart of reactor 1 following its statutory outage.
Overall the inspection was positive with no significant issues identified. I found the individuals to be very knowledgeable of the tasks, risks and control measures. Everyone was clear on the levels of supervision required prior to task being undertaken and were clear they had been provided with safety from the systems sampled. At the workface all documentation sampled was appropriate for the tasks being undertaken and work areas were of an acceptable standard with only minor observations.
A green rating was applied and there was no issues identified that would prevent consent for restart of reactor 1 following its statutory outage.