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Winfrith - Inspection ID: 53314

Executive summary

Date(s) of inspection: April 2024

Aim of inspection

The intention of this ONR inspection was to conduct a Licence Condition (LC) 11 emergency exercise demonstration inspection at the NRS Ltd Winfrith site on the 24 April 2024.

Subject(s) of inspection

  • LC11 - Emergency arrangements - Rating: Green

Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made

I carried out an LC11 inspection at the NRS Ltd Winfrith site of exercise “Fakenham” on the 24 April 2024. ONR safety inspectors lead the exercise evaluation, as per a normal LC11 demonstration supported by the Magnox Ltd internal regulator who conducted their evaluation concurrently. The end-of-exercise feedback session to the Site Director provided areas of learning and good practice observed during the exercise.


In my opinion, the Licensee's arrangements for compliance with LC11 are adequate and appropriate for the low off-site risk profile for the site and met the expectations of ONR guidance for LC 11. I therefore concluded that this inspection identified no further matters that may impact significantly on nuclear safety and rated it green with no regulatory issues raised.