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Atomic Weapons Establishment Aldermaston - Inspection ID: IR-53498

Executive summary

Date(s) of inspection: October 2024

Aim of inspection

The intent of this Operational Standards Inspection (OSI) is to consider key human related aspects of the Health and safety legislation (CDM, MHSWR, LC’s), Leadership and Management Safety and the AWE intelligent customer function in an integrated way, focusing on front-line construction and maintenance activities.

Subject(s) of inspection

  • CDM 15 - Rating: GREEN

Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made

On 9-10 October 2024, I carried out a two day Operational Standards Inspection (OSI), with a team of ONR Safety Inspectors, related to construction and maintenance activities at both Aldermaston and Burghfield Licensed sites.

The main outcome of this inspection was to ensure that health and safety is effectively managed throughout all stages of construction projects and during maintenance activities, focusing on the outcomes associated with Parts 3 and 4 of the CDM Regulations 2015.

The intent of the OSI was to consider key human related aspects of the Health and Safety legislation (CDM, MHSWR, LOLER.. etc), Leadership and Management Safety and the AWE intelligent customer function in an integrated way, focusing on front-line construction and maintenance activities.

The two day inspection consisted of office based discussions, a construction site walkdown of the Hub Project and construction site walkdowns of Project Soteria sites at both Aldermaston and Burghfield. The team also attended early morning/close of work activity briefings, reviewed assurance activities and method statements, in addition to undertaking numerous interviews with both AWE and sub-contracted construction/maintenance staff.

Based on the evidence provided and the activities undertaken, the Licensee's arrangements and implementation for compliance were deemed adequate. The intervention is thus rated GREEN (no formal action) and it was concluded that this inspection identified no matters that may impact significantly on safety.


It was clear from all projects sampled that the profile of CDM, the associated responsibilities and training for those appointed had been raised significantly over the last 12 months. Those interviewed were professional, knowledgeable and could clearly articulate their roles and responsibilities with regard to their CDM roles. Additionally, across all the differing projects sampled, there were elements of relevant good practice.

The evidence provided, activities undertaken and the interviews conducted enabled all regulatory outcomes of the inspection to be completed. As such, my opinion supported by the regulatory team, was that the Licensee's arrangements and implementation for compliance with all the relevant legislation, from the documentation sampled, the project briefings attended and the staff interviewed during the inspection, were adequate The intervention is therefore rated GREEN (no formal action) and it was concluded that this inspection identified no matters that may impact significantly on safety.