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Sellafield Site - Inspection ID: IR-53214

Executive summary

Date(s) of inspection: October 2024

Aim of inspection

To gain confidence that Sellafield Ltd. has made sufficient progress against the actions and key themes of the Fire Safety Improvement Plan (FSIP) to support closure of Level 2 Regulatory Issue actions.

This intervention aims to collect evidence against the following actions:

9. Strategic oversight of fire system health

Sellafield Limited to demonstrate that it has adequate strategic oversight of fire system health, that fire system replacement and upgrade is appropriately prioritised, and that obsolescence and system health is managed such that operations are not impeded, and legal obligations are met.

Subject(s) of inspection

  • Fire (Life Safety) Compliance Inspection - Rating: Not Rated
  • LC 28 - Examination, inspection, maintenance and testing - Rating: Not Rated

Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made

The purpose of this intervention was for ONR to examine and to gain confidence in Sellafield Limited’s progress against the actions of the level 2 regulatory issue on site wide fire safety improvements.

The intervention involved discussions on progress and plans from several aspects including central E&M, plant facing reliability engineers, LC28 process owner, and various project delivery vehicles.

The intervention was delivered against an agenda agreed with the licensee ahead of the intervention (ONRW-932509302-15216).

Sellafield Limited presented positive progress relevant to Action 9 of the Fire Safety Improvement plan regulatory issue. This demonstrates and improving ability to strategically manage system health aspects relevant to LC28 and the RR(FS)O. We judge that the progress is adequate in all areas sampled but it is now important for Sellafield to draw these strands together and demonstrate how they will feed into sustained strategic improvement. We asked Sellafield Limited to document this position for discussion early in 2025 and this has been agreed as an action.

This intervention has been relevant to LC28 and the RRO but we have decided that it is more appropriate to rate against the Level 2 Regulatory Issue (RI-11266). We are satisfied that Sellafield Limited has demonstrated adequate progress against action 9 and this rating will therefore remain GREEN. We note that the current issue action deadlines will require adjustment, but we are content with this position given the strong progress demonstrated.


Sellafield Limited presented positive progress relevant to Action 9 of the Fire Safety Improvement plan regulatory issue. This demonstrates and improving ability to strategically manage system health aspects relevant to LC28 and the RR(FS)O. We judge that the progress is adequate in all areas sampled but it is now important for Sellafield to draw these strands together and demonstrate how they will feed into sustained strategic improvement. We asked Sellafield Limited to document this position for discussion early in 2025 and this has been agreed as an action.

This intervention has been relevant to LC28 and the RRO but we have decided that it is more appropriate to rate against the level 2 regulatory issue. We are satisfied that Sellafield Limited has demonstrated adequate progress against action 9 and this rating will therefore remain GREEN. We note that the current issue action deadlines will require adjustment, but we are content with this position given the strong progress demonstrated.