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Capenhurst Works (UUK) - Inspection ID: 53466

Executive summary

Date(s) of inspection: November 2024

Aim of inspection

All Licensees have a duty to comply with the Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017 (IRR17). The purpose of this inspection is to gain assurance that the arrangements within URENCO UUK are compliant with the Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017 (IRR17). Regulation 12(3) introduces a new duty on employers to estimate doses to members of the public, in addition to the duty to restrict exposures under Regulation 9.

Subject(s) of inspection

  • IRR17 - Rating: Green

Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made

ONR undertook this inspection to examine Urenco UK Ltd. Capenhurst nuclear licensed site physical arrangements for controlling exposure to ionising radiations from the site to members of the public.

This was the second of two planned direct shine and other pathways inspections during 2024-25 in support of the Office for Nuclear Regulation Technical (Decommissioning Fuel and Waste) sub-division strategy.

The  Urenco UK Ltd. Capenhurst nuclear licensed site was selected for inspection for the following reasons:
  • Urenco UK Ltd. Capenhurst nuclear licensed site is one of four licensed sites which has a radiation dose rate to the most exposed member of the public above the ONR Safety Assessment Principle (SAP) Target 3 Basic Safety Objective (BSO) of 0.020 mSv. 
  • The last ONR inspection of the Urenco UK Ltd. Capenhurst site in relation to public exposure was undertaken in February 2016 (CM9 2016/86418).
The inspection was conducted via discussions with key licensee personnel, the sampling of licensee documentation and a site perimeter fence walk-down. The conclusion of the inspection was that I was content that Urenco UK Ltd. Capenhurst nuclear licensed site had taken adequate steps to reduce doses to the public from the site operations.


I noted that a number of weather resistant cases for the dosimeters at the survey point locations were damaged or incomplete. Better control and supervision by UUK Ltd. and the contractor implementing the perimeter dosimetry, would high-light deficiencies with perimeter dosimetry weather resistant cases which should be repaired or replaced in a timely manner. I have raised a regulatory issue for this matter (RI-12343).

I saw that a number of shielding structures including linear earthworks, of adequate height, are in place around the raft laydown areas to reduce off-site radiation shine.

I noted a number of inappropriate radiation controlled areas signs posted in areas which were no longer designated radiation areas. I have raised a regulatory issue for this matter (RI-12343).

I noted that the site records direct shine dose rates for both gamma and neutron radiations which is appropriate for the radiations for this site.

I noted that background dose rate for the UUK Capenhurst annual return was obtained from off-site measurements. I consider this method adequate to obtain a more representative background radiation dose for the annual return.
Overall, I am satisfied that public exposure due to direct radiation exposure from the site is reduced to as low as reasonably practicable.

I judged UUK Capenhurst implementation of IRR17 Regulation 12 (3) arrangements to be adequate to reduce doses to the public from the site operations in the areas inspected and I assign a rating of GREEN.