Executive summary
Date(s) of inspection: September 2024
Aim of inspection
This intervention was undertaken across the Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) Explosives Technology Centre (XTC) and aligns with the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) 2023/24 integrated intervention strategy for the weapons sub-division.
The below key sub-division objective (KSO) and desired regulatory outcomes (DRO) are considered most relevant:
- KRO.3 - AWE Plc demonstrates it has an adequate strategy and associated arrangements for the provision of a suitable and sufficient estate [infrastructure and site services] to support current and future programme requirements.
- DRO.3 - AWE Plc demonstrates it has made, and is implementing, adequate strategies, plans and arrangements, for the provision of a suitable and sufficient Estate to support current and future programme requirements.
- DRO. 3.1 - Fit for purpose Site Services (utilities) to support both enduring and future capabilities
- DRO. 3.2 - Fit for purpose Site Infrastructure to support both enduring and future capabilities
The aim of this intervention was to:
- Ensure the adequacy of arrangements for the inspection and maintenance of assets and infrastructure and that they are being appropriately implemented.
- Obtain evidence of planning and reporting of asset and infrastructure inspection and maintenance.
Subject(s) of inspection
- LC28 - Examination, inspection, maintenance and testing - Rating: Green
Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made
The ONR inspection team attended the XTC, which is located on the AWE Aldermaston nuclear licensed site on 10 September 2024 to undertake this themed inspection on management of the asset and infrastructure. The inspection team comprised a civil engineering specialist inspectors and the site inspector.
A number of documents were requested in advance of the inspection and these were received in a timely manner and were sampled as part of preparation activities. The inspection followed a high-level scope that had been proposed by ONR and shared with XTC in advance of the inspection.
The inspection targeted aspects of Licence Condition 28 compliance and sampled the adequacy of high-level and local arrangements and their implementation across various areas and facilities. Observations were raised in relation to the following areas:
- improving clarity with respect to the derivation and definition of LC 28 structural surveys for 'non-nuclear' hazard category 4 and 5 buildings
- improving the linkage within non-nuclear risk assessments between buildings and structures that are engineered to provide safety protection, and LC 28 structural surveys to ensure their performance and/or reliability
- the scope of an upcoming LC 28 structural survey that is due in November 2024
Elements of good practice were identified as part of the inspection. For example, in regard to the use of the dutyholder's asset management system to plan, manage and record maintenance activities, and the XTC facility justification SharePoint page. Good openness and behaviours were demonstrated throughout.
A failure to implement Licence Condition 28 compliance arrangements was self identified by the dutyholder and raised as a Finding during the inspection. This was judged to represent a minor shortfall and a level 4 Regulatory Issue has been raised to monitor the dutyholders progress in addressing this shortfall. Therefore, I rate the inspection as adequate GREEN (No formal action).
- relevant good practice generally met, or minor shortfalls identified, when compared with appropriate benchmarks
- minor failure to implement, compliance arrangements
- no significant shortfalls identified in the delivery of safety, safeguards or security function
Overall, I am content that the dutyholder's arrangements for the inspection and maintenance of assets and infrastructure are adequate and that they are being appropriately implemented in the interest of safety. Areas for improvement were identified and these were provided to the dutyholder as Observations.
Based on the areas sampled, one minor failure to implement LC 28 compliance arrangements was raised as a Finding. Therefore, I rate the inspection as adequate GREEN (No formal action).