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Atomic Weapons Establishment Aldermaston - Inspection ID: 53515

Executive summary

Date(s) of inspection: September 2024

Aim of inspection

Waste and Decommissioning Technical Centre, including:

  • A1/A50 complex
  • Old Waste Management Group
  • Waste Storage facilities (e.g. SRS, A105.4, Assay suite)

Subject(s) of inspection

  • LC6 - Documents, records, authorities and certificates - Rating: GREEN
  • LC25 - Operational records - Rating: GREEN
  • LC32 - Accumulation of radioactive waste - Rating: GREEN
  • LC34 - Leakage and escape of radioactive material and radioactive waste - Rating: GREEN

Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made

In accordance with the Office for Nuclear Regulation’s (ONR) 2023/24 weapons sub-division strategy for the Aldermaston licenced site (AWE plc.), and considering the Key Regulatory Objectives (specifically KRO.4) and Key Sub-Divisional Objectives (specifically KSO.2), a planned Licence Condition (LC) 6 (Documents, records, authorities and certificates), LC 25 (Operational records), LC 32 (Accumulation of radioactive waste) and LC 34 (Leakage and escape of radioactive material and radioactive waste) compliance inspection was carried out across AWE’s Waste and Decommissioning Tech Centre. The objectives of the inspection were to examine:

  • Volume of wastes accumulated / stored
  • Where wastes are stored
  • How wastes are stored
  • How wastes are catalogued
  • Waste characterisation and assay techniques
  • Condition of wastes stores
  • Environmental conditions for storage
  • Leakage prevention, detection and protection

This inspections was undertaken jointly with the Environment Agency.

The inspection sought evidence of adequate arrangements and their implementation through discussions with AWE staff, a review of records and documentation relevant to LCs 32 and 34, and plant visits in order to make judgements of compliance against regulatory expectations. To form effective regulatory judgements on AWE’s compliance, the regulatory expectations detailed within ONR’s Technical Inspection Guides (TIG) NS-INSP-GD-006 (Issue 5) ‘LC6: Documents, Records, Authorities and Certificates’, NS-INSP-GD-025 (Issue 7.2) ‘LC25: Operational Records’, NS-INSP-GD-032 (Issue 8) ‘LC32: Accumulation of Radioactive Waste’, and NS-INSP-GD-034 (Rev 6) ‘LC34: Leakage and Escape of Radioactive Material and Radioactive Waste’ were considered.

Overall, based on the sample inspected, I judge that AWE’s Waste and Decommissioning Tech Centre have generally met regulatory expectations with respect to Licence Conditions inspected. . However, I have identified the following areas where further work is required to meet regulatory expectations and to ensure that the facility avoids more significant issues in the future. Progress to address these will be tracked through the regulatory issues process:

  • The Head of Waste letters granting permission to store accumulated wastes within OWMG and A** have been signed even though the requirements of AWE’s corporate arrangements to have a Waste Action Plan for all identified accumulated wastes has not been met.
  • The Head of Waste letter does not consider the storage conditions where the accumulated wastes are stored.
  • Substantiation for the storage of wastes within certain areas and environments in facilities was absent.

No matters requiring immediate regulatory attention were identified during this inspection. I am satisfied that AWE’s Decommissioning and Wastes Tech Centre are adequately compliant with the expectations of the Licence Conditions examined. I therefore consider, noting the ONR guidance on inspection ratings, that an inspection rating of ‘Green (no formal action)’ is merited for all Licence Conditions


On the basis of evidence sampled during the inspection, I judge that, on the whole, AWE plc. have adequate arrangements and are implementing them appropriately for the Licence Conditions examined. No matters requiring immediate regulatory attention were identified during this inspection. I consider an inspection rating of Green (no further action) is merited for all Licence Conditions.

The following minor shortfalls were identified in relation to the following aspects of storage and management of radioactive waste:

  • The Head of Waste letters granting permission to store accumulated wastes within OWMG and A** have been signed even though the requirements of AWE’s corporate arrangements to have a Waste Action Plan for all identified accumulated wastes has not been met.
  • The Head of Waste letter does not consider the storage conditions where the accumulated wastes are stored.
  • Substantiation for the storage of wastes within certain areas and environments in facilities was absent.

A single Level 4 Regulatory Issue has been raised to manage the identified shortfalls.