Executive summary
Date(s) of inspection:
February 2025
Aim of inspection
The inspection will establish whether the C5 DU facility has made and retained, and continues to make and retain adequate records of the amount, type, and location of all radioactive materials (excluding sources) that are used, processed, stored, or accumulated within the facility.
Subject(s) of inspection
- LC6 - Documents, records, authorities and certificates - Rating: Green
- LC25 - Operational records - Rating: Green
Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made
This inspection judged the adequacy of AWE’s Licence Condition 6 and 25 arrangements and their implementation in C5. Against ONR’s Technical Inspection Guides for Licence Conditions 6 and 25 (NS-INSP-GD-006 and NS-INSP-GD-025), we sampled:
- the adequacy of AWE’s C5 accountancy processes, systems and records for the production of operational records for radioactive material held in the facility; and
- the competency of those performing important accountancy roles.
AWE demonstrated that it has made adequate arrangements for the receipt, dispatch, movement, process exchanges and general updates of radioactive material used within C5. We tested the implementation of this by accessing records for radioactive material receipts and transfers within the facility. AWE demonstrated adequate records for the receipt and processing of radioactive material and demonstrated training and competence records of the individuals involved in the movement of this material. AWE also demonstrated learning from previous record keeping events.
I judged AWE's arrangements and their implementation to be adequate and rated Licence Conditions 6 and 25 GREEN against ONR’s Inspection guidance (NS-INSP-GD-064).
I judge that AWE’s arrangements and their implementation for the production of adequate records detailing the amount and location of radioactive material within C5 are adequate against the expectations in the LC 6 and 25 ONR Technical Inspection Guides. As such I rated LC 6 and 25 as green.