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Atomic Weapons Establishment Burghfield - Inspection ID: 53566

Executive summary

  • Date(s) of inspection: December 2024

Aim of inspection

Inspect practical aspects of explosives safety in GGC for compliance with ER2014, focussing upon Reg 26 and L150 Appendices 1 – 4.

Subject(s) of inspection

  • Explosive Regulations 2014 - Rating: Green

Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made

On 12 December 2024 I conducted an inspection on compliance with Explosive Regulations 2014 (ER2014) in the AWE plc Gravel Gerties Complex (GGC) facility. The inspection focussed on ER2014 Regulation 26 compliance by sampling a range of management arrangements that support practical aspects of explosives safety in the facility.

This activity also forms part of delivering Key Regulatory Objective 5 of the ONR Weapons Sub-Division Strategy to "provide assurance to our stakeholders that hazardous activities on site are planned and conducted safely in accordance with the appropriate legislative requirements and that all risks have been reduced to as low as reasonably practicable".

The inspection was undertaken with the technical support of HSE’s specialist inspector of health and safety (explosives). Our inspection reviewed management systems, procedures and records, and discussed the practical implementation of these approaches with a range of facility staff including front line workers and maintenance staff. This review followed by an inspection walkdown of some areas of the facility, including an explosive storage area. These activities covered the following intended scope of the inspection:

  1. Arrangements for ensuring compatible storage of explosives.
  2. Risk assessments, safe systems of work and applicable working practices to assess suitability and identify pertinent risks from storage of explosives.
  3. Permit to work systems as applied to maintenance work in explosive / operational storage areas.
  4. Explosive building maintenance schedules and certification i.e. electrical testing, lightning protection systems, and structural inspections.
  5. Control of vehicles/equipment and plant (e.g. mobile elevating work platforms) and associated maintenance arrangements.
  6. Practical controls to prevent and detect or mitigate against fire.
  7. Housekeeping / storehouse management procedures.

Based on the inspection activities undertaken, I judged that AWE plc's arrangements and implementation for compliance adequately met the expectations of ER2014 regulation 26 within the areas sampled. This view was also expressed by the HSE specialist inspector.

This inspection identified no matters that may impact significantly on safety. The intervention is therefore rated GREEN (no formal action).


Based on the inspection activities undertaken, I judged that AWE plc's arrangements and implementation for compliance adequately met the expectations of ER2014 regulation 26 within the areas sampled.

This view was also expressed by the HSE explosives specialist inspector. This inspection identified no matters that may impact significantly on safety.

On this basis, in accordance with the inspection rating guidance in ONR Guide ONR-INSP-GD-064, I consider that an inspection rating of GREEN is appropriate.