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Dounreay - Inspection ID: 53556

Date(s) of inspection: 

November 2024

Executive summary

Aim of inspection

The primary purpose of this intervention is to confirm Dounreay’s arrangements for managing safety of their ongoing / upcoming construction projects and their related works. This will focus on compliance with the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 but other health and safety regulations are also relevant and will be considered.

Subject(s) of inspection

  • CDM 15 (Construction Health) - Rating: Green

Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made

The inspection focused on the works taking place or planned to start at the Prototype Fast Reactor (PFR) complex, including:  ventilation upgrade project, west glazed wall reclad project and the roof repair project. The inspection considered the projects pre-construction information, construction arrangements & procedures, safety documentation, project staff’s knowledge of the work and health & safety arrangements. The inspection team walkdown the relevant project areas, noting that substantive construction activities had not yet started, to consider the preparation work undertaken by the dutyholder. It was noted that the projects that were considered are located adjacent and likely to run concurrently, the inter project arrangements to manage this was also considered.


Based on the sample undertaken, I judge that an inspection rating of Green (adequate) is applied to the inspection. Dounreay had in place reasonable arrangements for managing construction safety for the stage of the projects that they were currently in. NRS Dounreay had identified improvements were required in a number of parts prior to setting to work and had delayed the contractors starting works until they are satisfied compliance with CDM and other relevant legislation is achieved. Although generally satisfied with the CDM Arrangements, the inspection has identified shortfalls against CDM requirements, these were communicated to the dutyholder during the inspection and a Level 4 Regulatory issue (RI-12311) was raised to seek targeted improvement against the shortfalls’.