Executive summary
- Date(s) of inspection: October 2024
Aim of inspection
The aim of this inspection was to confirm that DNB is ensuring that operating instructions are being maintained, are available to relevant staff and staff understand and are implementing the stations procedural use & adherence standards. This was a rated LC24 intervention.
Subject(s) of inspection
- LC24 - Operating instructions - Rating: Green
Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made
LC24 requires amongst other things that the licensee shall “ensure that all operations which may affect safety are carried out in accordance with written instructions hereinafter referred to as operating instructions.” and “make and implement adequate arrangements for the preparation, review and amendment of such operating instructions.”
The aim of this one day inspection at Dungeness B power station (DNB) was to confirm that DNB compliance arrangements for LC24 are effectively implemented. This included confirming that DNB was implementing effective arrangements for the management and deployment of operating instructions and that operational staff could demonstrate appropriate understanding and implementation of the station’s procedural use and adherence requirements. In addition, this inspection sought to confirm that DNB has effective arrangements for management of document review and revision to ensure that operating instructions are being updated in a timely manner and have suitable oversight (including adequate performance metrics).
DNB is effectively managing its operating instruction serviced document locations.
DNB is appropriately managing document reviews in a timely manner with effective oversight and performance metrics.
Overall DNB was able to demonstrate that its procedural use and adherence standards are clear and are understood by staff. I did note that some further reinforcement of reference use procedures would be beneficial for further improvement.
I noted an instance were an operating instruction referenced in the operating rules had not been updated to reflect the latest legislation. I am however satisfied that this was a technical omission and had no safety impact. DNB has now addressed this matter.
I judge that an overall inspection rating of Green (no formal action) is appropriate because overall DNB was able to demonstrate that it is appropriately managing and implementing its operating instructions.