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Comments invited on external hazards papers

We are inviting comments from interested stakeholders on our updated reference papers for Coastal Flood Hazards and Meteorological Hazards for Nuclear Sites.

Although this is supplementary to our normal governance process, we are doing this due to stakeholder interest in these topics and our commitment to being open and transparent.

These reference papers are part of a suite of documents that form our Technical Assessment Guide for External Hazards (TAG 13). TAG 13 provides additional guidance to our specialist inspectors beyond that in the Safety Assessment Principles for Nuclear Facilities to assist them carry out inspections.

The reference papers provide additional detail on the analysis of the external hazards for nuclear sites and have been produced by our Expert Panel on Natural Hazards, a group of academic and industry technical specialists working under contract to provide us with independent expert advice.

The reference papers are updated on a more frequent basis compared with other TAG 13 documentation to keep pace with changes in scientific understanding and technological advances. The advice within these reference papers will inform updates to the regulatory guidance provided in TAG 13 and its supporting annexes. Once the updated version of TAG 13 is drafted we will also be seeking comments on this in 2023.

To provide responses via our comments form on the updated reference papers please visit our consultation/discussion webpage.

The closing date for submitting comments is 16 November 2021. All comments will be considered. However, as this is not a ‘formal consultation’ we will not be responding to individual responders to outline how their comment(s) were sentenced.