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ONR digital modernisation project reaches final milestone

The Office for Nuclear Regulation’s (ONR) digital modernisation programme has reached its final milestone with the delivery of a new dutyholder portal.

This online interface is part of the WIReD (Well-Informed Regulatory Decisions) project which supports greater transparency and simplifies how ONR communicates with the industry it regulates.

WIReD is part of ONR’s 2020-25 Strategy to become a more modern regulator, improving its ways of working and achieving an improved digital solution for its core business areas.

The now fully-operational dutyholder portal is a digital interface that allows the secure exchange of data and interactions between ONR and dutyholders.

The portal allows licensees to submit information about incidents (INF1 forms), regulatory issues, permissioning, assessment and inspection information, directly to the WIReD database.

Colin Tait, ONR’s WIReD project director, said: “WIReD has been ONR’s most important strategic improvement project during the last five years.

“It is very much a stepping stone towards the modernisation of the organisation. We will add more digital elements and user functionality to this portal to improve the user experience as we continue to respond to industry feedback.

“The portal is the last deliverable of the WIReD project and its purpose is to provide a single online platform to view, store and manage regulatory information centrally. This will support greater visibility and simplify how we communicate and collaborate with dutyholders.

“This modern interface gives dutyholders the opportunity to be aligned to our inspection plans and increases the visibility of the progress of our work.

“The portal will also allow for real time regulatory management information that will improve our capability to continuously improve our performance.”

Many dutyholders are already effectively using the portal but ONR would encourage more licensees within the industry to start using it as their primary means of sharing regulatory information.

Any organisation wanting to set up an account can do so via their internal regulatory liaison lead, who should contact the WIReD team at with the individual’s name, email address and the level of access required.