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Policies relating to timeframes to respond to complaints/issues and Stress Risk Assessments at Hinkley Point C

Date released
18 January 2024
Request number
Release of information under
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA)

Information requested

Could you please send me all the relevant ONR policies regarding the timeframes to deal with issues and complaints brought to ONR?

Please provide evidence the minutes of discussions and all relevant information and documentations of these routine regulatory engagements regarding Stress Risk Assessment on this site and why it has not been carried out since the start of the operation and the licence date.

Information released

We confirm that under s.1 of the FOIA, we do not hold the information you have requested.

Question 1

We do not hold a specific policy setting out our timeframes to deal with issues and complaints brought to ONR. Across ONR, there is the expectation that a Service Level Agreement (SLA) is implemented (in this case for complaints, concerns and enquiries) which recommends that we should aim to respond to matters of this nature within 20 working days as best practice. However, as this is not a statutory deadline governed by legislation, such as with Freedom of Information requests, we are therefore able to use discretion should further time be required for a response and will advise enquirers where this may be the case.

Whilst we do not have a specific policy, it is helpful to know that our mailbox (, which is the main contact point for all public enquiries) sends an automated bounce-back email to advise our enquirers that we will aim to respond within 20 working days of receipt of their email.

Question 2

Having completed a wide search on our systems for information relating specifically to Stress Risk Assessments at Hinkley Point C (HPC), we can confirm we do not hold the information you have requested.

This is because, as a sampling regulator, consistent with the regulators code and ONR’s enforcement policy statement, Stress Risk Assessments have not been an explicit area of focus for us. Since 2012, however, we have focused a significant amount of work on areas relating to work-related stress, which includes focusing on leadership, behaviours, competency, training, engagement with trade union representatives, as opposed to Stress Risk Assessments specifically.

Further information

Whilst it is not prescribed by law for public authorities to generate a policy on timeframes for responding to complaints and concerns owing to the fact each matter should be treated individually on its own merit, your request has highlighted that we could benefit from setting this out more clearly on our website. As a fair and transparent organisation, we are consistently looking for ways to improve our services and thank you for bringing this to our attention.

Exemptions applied


PIT (Public Interest Test) if applicable