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Memoranda of Understanding / General Agreements

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), sometimes referred to as a General Agreement, is an administrative agreement between ONR and another party or parties to ensure that the parties involved understand each other's responsibilities.  It is not a legally binding document, but is used to govern relationships.

  • Changes to Ownership within the civil nuclear industry
    Ensures effective coordination over matters concerning changes to ownership or part ownership of five strategic entities:
    • Holders of nuclear site licenses
    • Developers of civil nuclear construction sites
    • Tenants operating on nuclear licensed sites
    • Approved carriers of nuclear material
    • Requesting parties for the Generic Design Assessment process
    Effective from: 31 October 2017
  • Memorandum of Understanding between ONR and HSE
    Its purpose is to ensure effective cooperation and collaboration in the regulation of conventional (non-nuclear) health and safety, including policy matters and the enforcement of health and safety law, at GB nuclear licensed, new nuclear build and authorised defence sites, arising from the transfer of regulatory responsibility from HSE to ONR under the Energy Act 2013. This MoU complements the existing over-arching MoU between the two organisations ("Cooperation between HSE and ONR"). Effective from: 26 March 2024. 
  • Arrangement for the exchange of information and co-operation with the Environmental Protection Agency of Ireland
    Arrangement for the exchange of information and co-operation in the area of regulation of safe nuclear energy use for peaceful purposes between the Office for Nuclear Regulation of Great Britain and the Environmental Protection Agency of Ireland. Effective from: 23 March 2016
  • Memorandum of Understanding with the Office of Rail and Road (ORR)
    This MoU relates to the regulation of health and safety, including policy matters and the enforcement of health and safety law, on all of Britain's railways and sets out the interface between railways operated within nuclear sites and the rest of Britain's railway network. Effective from: 21 December 2015
  • Memorandum of Understanding with the Environment Agency (EA)
    Relates principally to the regulation of nuclear safety, security, transport and environmental protection on nuclear licensed sites and other sites where both ONR and the Environment Agency have regulatory functions. Effective from: 18 August 2015. Reviews in 2018, no changes made to 2015 MOU.
  • Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Defence (MoD)
    Outlines the relationship between MoD and ONR in discharging their respective roles and responsibilities for nuclear, radiological and conventional health and safety (H&S) in respect of the Defence Nuclear Programme. Effective from: 16 April 2024
  • MoU with Natural Resources Wales
    Relates principally to the regulation of nuclear safety, security, transport and environmental protection on nuclear licensed sites and other sites where both ONR and NRW have regulatory functions. Effective from: 17 December 2014
  • Cooperation between HSE and ONR
    Under section 96 of the Energy Act 2013, ONR must cooperate with HSE. This agreement outlines the principles and key areas of cooperation.Effective from: 1 April 2014
  • Work related deaths protocol
    Emphasises the importance of working together to investigate thoroughly and to prosecute appropriately those responsible for work related deaths. Two separate protocols are in place for England and Wales (owned by the National Liaison Committee) and Scotland (coordinated via the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal). Effective from: 1 April 2014