The Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) has received an application from EDF Energy Nuclear Generation Ltd (EDF Energy) to decommission the Hinkley Point B nuclear power station in Somerset.
To support this application, EDF Energy has submitted an environmental statement that includes an environmental impact assessment for the proposed decommissioning project. This statement outlines the measures intended to avoid, prevent, reduce, and, if possible, offset any significant adverse environmental effects.
ONR is inviting comments and feedback from all stakeholders on the environmental statement to help inform our decision on the application.
Please note that all comments received will be anonymised (individual names removed) and shared with EDF Energy. Unless specifically requested, the names of organisations will not be removed. Additionally, anonymised comments will be included in our consent decision record.
Documents that have not been included as part of this application, but which are referenced in the submitted documents will be made available on request. Please email for assistance.
This application for consent has been submitted under the Nuclear Reactors (Environmental Impact Assessment for Decommissioning) Regulations 1999.
How to respond
All comments will be considered and should be sent by email to, or sent by post to:
SDFW Division, Nuclear Liabilities Team, Office for Nuclear Regulation, Building 4, Redgrave Court, Merton Road, Bootle, L20 7HS.
Please state ‘consultation for Hinkley Point B EIADR application for consent’ within the email subject or letter.
Responses to the consultation should be provided by 6 June 2025.
ONR’s response to the consultation exercise, and the final decision, will be published on the website in due course.
- EIADR Hinkley Point B Application For Consent Environmental Statement Main Text
- Decommissioning of Hinkley Point B Nuclear Power Station Consultation Feedback Report (Part 1)
- Decommissioning of Hinkley Point B Nuclear Power Station Consultation Feedback Report (Part 2)
- EIADR Hinkley Point B Application For Consent Environmental Statement Non Technical Summary
- EIADR Hinkley Point B Application For Consent Environmental Statement – Figures
- EIADR Hinkley Point B Application For Consent Habitats Regulations Appraisal (HRA) Screening Report
- EIADR Hinkley Point B Outline Environmental Management Plan (EMP)
- Decommissioning of Hinkley Point B Nuclear Power Station Environmental Statement - Volume III: Appendices - Redacted Part 1 (A)
- Decommissioning of Hinkley Point B Nuclear Power Station Environmental Statement - Volume III: Appendices - Redacted Part 1 (B)
- Decommissioning of Hinkley Point B Nuclear Power Station Environmental Statement - Volume III: Appendices - Redacted (Part 2)
- EIADR Hinkley Point B Response to Further Information Request – Summary of Updates
- Publicity notice