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Technical Support Framework to be renewed

The Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) will be renewing its Technical Support Framework (TSF) from 1 November 2022.

We have launched the first phase of procurement for the framework with the publication of a selection questionnaire for completion by interested suppliers.

ONR recognises the importance of operating efficiently and effectively through our relationships with stakeholders such as industry bodies, the supply chain and academic institutions.

ONR currently procure technical services through framework contracts with a number of specialist service providers and/or through standalone procurement activity, to help inform our capability, research and decisions. Technical services are commonly used to support ONR’s capabilities in certain skill areas where we lack capacity.

From 1 November 2022, we will procure technical services in support of ONR’s regulatory activities against a new, slightly revised framework comprising of three technical ‘Lots’:

  • Lot 1 will provide services in support of Reactor Core Physics and Fault Studies.
  • Lot 2 will provide Civil Engineering and External Hazards support.
  • Lot 3 will provide support across a broader range of technical areas including Chemistry, Control and Instrumentation, Human Factors, Radioactive Waste Management and others.

Lot 3 will also allow for the procurement of technical services in support of Protective and Cyber Security and Safeguards. You can see a visual of the new framework structure on our website.

You can access the procurement documentation and selection questionnaire on the GOV.UK website.

ONR will be hosting an engagement event on Microsoft Teams on Wednesday 18 May between 9.30am and 12pm. The event will provide interested suppliers with the opportunity to find out more about the procurement process and timescales.

To book a place at the event, please email You will need to provide your name, position, company name, email address and contact telephone number, as well as details of which lot and/or technical area you are interested in.