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Every effort is made to ensure that the information provided on the ONR website and online services is accurate and up to date, but no legal responsibility is accepted for any errors, omissions or misleading statements.


ONR is not responsible for, and cannot guarantee the accuracy of, information on sites that it does not manage; nor should the inclusion of a hyperlink be taken in itself to mean endorsement by the ONR of the site, the site owner, or any specific content to which it points.

Third party content

ONR may also embed third party content such as videos, RSS or social media on its site. ONR is not responsible for and cannot guarantee the accuracy of this content nor for any related content. It is also not responsible for the quality or accessibility of this content nor of any related content. The embedding of this content on its site should not be taken in itself to mean endorsement by ONR of the content.


While we make every effort to ensure the website is accessible to all we are aware of certain problems. For more information about this check our accessibility statement.

Further information

Information about the business of ONR is regularly made available through official publications, press releases and publicity.