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Emergency arrangements

Emergency preparedness and response (EP&R)


We regulate emergency preparedness and response at and around civil and defence nuclear premises across Great Britain. We ensure that appropriate arrangements are in place in the highly unlikely event of a radiation emergency.

Great Britain has not experienced a nuclear accident with off-site consequences since the Windscale Fire in 1957. This event was instrumental in the Government setting up the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate, a predecessor organisation of ONR, to provide independent regulatory oversight of the industry.

We work in partnership with organisations and agencies involved in emergency response arrangements including operators of nuclear installations, local authorities, government departments and other stakeholders.

We also contribute to a significant programme of international coordination and development of nuclear regulation to influence high standards of safety and security.

In addition to our EP&R work involving the nuclear industry, ONR also regulates transport operations where these involve civil transport of radioactive material by road, rail and inland waterway in Great Britain. There are various legal obligations associated with radiation emergencies that could arise during transport, including at transit premises used in connection with the storage and handling of radioactive material.