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Proposed changes to Licence Condition 3

ONR intends to revise Licence Condition 3 to allow licensees to develop management arrangements for all property transactions depending on their nuclear safety significance.

Nuclear Site LC3 requires that the nuclear site licensee should have security of tenure and rights of access to its site(s) commensurate with its duties under the Nuclear Installations Act 1965 (as amended (NIA65) and the nuclear site licence conditions. ONR expects that the licensee remains in control of the nuclear licensed site and activities performed on it at all times.

The current LC3 states ' The licensee shall not convey, assign, transfer, let or part with possession of the site or any part thereof or grant any licence in relation thereto without the consent of the Executive.'

ONR accepts that the nuclear industry has changed significantly since LC3 was originally drafted and some sites have a number of different organisations carrying out operations on them which are of low or no nuclear safety significance.

The new LC3 reflects ONR's policy on proportionate regulation and allows licensees to develop management arrangements for control of property transactions, with a proviso that these will include the requirement for ONR's consent for nuclear safety significant transactions

The changes are outlined in the guidance.

Comments are sought on:

a) the revised Licence Condition
b) the Supporting Technical Assessment Guide

Comments should be sent by email to: by Wednesday, 4 September 2013.

ONR will provide an update on comments received and next steps by the end of October 2013.