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Inspection and enforcement


As the regulator of transport of civil radioactive materials on land or inland waterway, we must take enforcement action when dutyholders are found to be failing to meet the safety and security standards required by law. To do this we have a range of enforcement powers. These range from providing advice to instigating court proceedings in accordance with ONR's Enforcement Policy Statement and the Regulator's Compliance Code.

Compliance inspection

Our Transport Competent Authority team undertakes transport compliance inspections of transport dutyholders within both the nuclear and non-nuclear sectors. Inspectors will discuss any identified shortfalls and agree a time scale for addressing them at the time of the inspection. 

Following the inspection, we will prepare an Inspection Record setting out identified areas of good practice, any shortfalls that need to be addressed and any recommendations for improvement. The Inspection Record will clearly set out any actions, with appropriate timescales, that the dutyholder needs to take to rectify shortfalls. The executive summary from the report will be published on the website.

More information about transport compliance inspections is provided in our ‘When a transport inspector calls’ leaflet.